The wonderful Christmas on Lake Orta (2016)

The wonderful Christmas on Lake Orta (2016)
Usually I only write articles about the world of real estate and holiday homes, but this time I want to do some tourism promotion, reminding everyone, the events in Orta for Christmas 2016 and New Year.
First we have the second edition dell’Orta Christmas Wine Festival, an event that already in its first edition in 2015 has been highly successful, and that you can find at the following link Facebook (in Italian) Orta Christmas Wine Festival
In the right poster it says something like “years, love and wine glasses … they should never be counted!”
The second, however, is the spectacle of fireworks in Piazza Motta. Unfortunately I will not be there to participate, but I am happy that this year someone has thought of a nice event in Orta.
You can find the event at the following link Facebook Orta Fireworks
I would also like to recall that the Christmas lights this year are wonderful, stylish and elegant. I took some pictures, but they are not enough to describe how beautiful they are!
We have put out the front door our historical lantern, which to be “old” it now became “vintage” and that gives us the miracle of his power every year (I think that this lantern is older than me, yes, it’s a Christmas miracle each year). But it seems to me that it still makes us feel the warmth of Old Christmases.
I hope that someone appreciates it in the same way that I love it…
Finally I want to say that the events were promoted by the Pro Loco of Orta San Giulio, who also made the flyers (the ones I inserted) with beautiful graphics, finally a bit of modernity that does not contrast with our ancient town!
Alice –
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