Registering a preliminary contract for the property purchase

Registering a preliminary contract for the property purchase
Very often, the preliminary contract the first step the house purchase (usually also called “compromise” in Italian).
It is essentially an agreement between seller and buyer with whom they are bound to each other to conclude a subsequent and final contract of sale. The transfer of ownership rights on the property you will only have the signature of the latter.
The preliminary contract must be registered with the Inland Revenue (Agenzia delle Entrate) within twenty days of the signing. For registration are due:
- Registration tax 200 €, regardless of the price of the sale.
- Stamp duty of 16 € for each copy, all 4 sides and in any case every 100 lines. At least 2 copies.
- 50% on sums provided as a confirmation deposit. In these cases, the tax payable for the registration of the final contract will then be deducted the tax paid on the preliminary. If the amount granted is on account and is not a confirmation deposit, the percentage payable rises to 3%.
In case you will want to attach other documents (energy certification, plan, documents or anything else you want) you will pay the additional tax stamps depending on the nature of the document and its size (usually A4 or A3).
Tax payments must be made by an model F23, payable at the bank or the post office. You can access the automatic compilation of the model through this link (in Italian) Modello F23
Keep the space called “delega irrevocabile a …” that will be completed by the Bank or Post Office and fill in the missing data of the registrant and of the other person.
Enter “TSK” which department code (codice ufficio) if you want to choose the Inland Revenue of Borgomanero, closest to us.
Which causal choose “RP” which means registration of public or private acts.
Which tax codes (codice tributo) indicate:
- 104T: Registration tax proportional as the 0.5% on the deposit (calculation of the amount).
- 109T: Registration tax at a fixed rate of 200 €
It is very important to remember that the 104T code will be exclusively deducted to the deed if the person is marked inside the F23 model is the same as that actually buy the property. Otherwise you will not do it.
In the example below we have assumed the payment of a deposit of 12,000 €.
Once completed and paid the F23 model for taxes, you have to get two printed stamps of 16 € (unless there are more than 4 pages, more than 100 lines or attachments, in that case it will be used more).
Another very important thing, is that the stamps must have the same date of signature of the act, or be antecedent.
Now you have to fill out Form 69, reporting the data already in the F23 model, but adding the person requesting registration (which may be different from the parties, in my case the real estate agent) and realty cadastral data product sold.
The model 69 can be downloaded from the link Modello 69
You can find the Cadastral Codes of Italian Municipalities at this link Codici Catastali Comuni
Those most frequently for our area are the following:
- AMENO A264
- PELLA G421
Please forgive me if my English level does not respect the importance of the topic discussed, for any information please write me
Alice –