RLI Module: What is it and how do you fill it out?

RLI Module: What is it and how do you fill it out?
On 19 September 2017, the RLI model of the Revenue Agency changed, to know the novelty visit the link New Rli model, instructions for registering lease contracts
This model, called Registration Leases Properties (RLI), is used to request the Inland Revenue the recording of lease agreements and to communicate any extension, transfers or resolutions.
In the model, therefore, they will incorporate all tax obligations related to the registration of lease contracts, which were previously incorporated into the “69” model.
I wrote an article in Italian on how to complete this form and can be found at the link Model RLI – Italian Version (“Model RLI – What is it and how you can fill it out?” written in Italian)
Initially, I had thought to translate this article, also in English, but then I realized that if my client is wrong to fill may incur the failure to register or be fined. Therefore I advise you to contact me or a professional, who can fill in the form for you. For those who want to do by themselves, there’s my article in Italian (whose link is above) and there are instructions to be followed step by step.
The Inland Revenue also includes the foreign language modules, but there are currently only these:
Here the link with instructions Modello RLI Tedesco
Here the link with the dual language form Modello RLI Tedesco Instructions
Here the link with instructions Modello RLI Sloveno
Here the link with the dual language form Modello RLI Sloveno Instructions
Unfortunately there are no forms or explanations in English, but it is likely that in the coming years will also be included these translations.
I encourage you to keep in mind that the Italian jurisprudence often undergoes changes, also substantial. For this reason it is always best to check the latest information, please contact us omn this address info@ortalloggi.com
Alice – www.ortalloggi.com
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